Saturday, March 6, 2010



TEXT JOHN 5:16-30


Because the Jews believed that Jesus broke the Fourth Commandment by healing at Bethesda on the Sabbath they persecuted him. And, when he called God his Father and said his relationship with God gave him the authority to preserve the creation by healing whenever necessary, the Jews plotted to kill him because they believed he had blasphemed.

Jesus answered the Jews’ charges by telling them his authority to do whatever God does resides in his relationship to God, who as His beloved Son has full knowledge of God’s purposes and plans which will be revealed through his doing much greater things than healing an invalid on the Sabbath. And, Jesus tells the Jews if they do not honor him as they do his Father when he does even greater things - like raising the dead and judging them at the end of time - they will be dishonoring God as well.

Jesus tells the Jews that the truth about eternal life is that it will come to whoever accepts that he is who he says – the Son of God sent into the world to save those who believe from the damnation of eternal death that otherwise awaits them as sinners. Jesus tells them that when those who are otherwise dead in their sin have accepted him as the Son of God they will receive eternal life because the Son, as God, is life itself and the Son, as Man, has been given the authority to judge whether he has been believed or not. Because of this, Jesus tells them they shouldn’t be surprised when the time comes for the resurrection of the dead that those believing he is the Son of God will arise to eternal life and those not believing he is the Son of God will arise to eternal damnation.

PRINCIPLES John 5:16-30

I. 1st Century Readers

A. (CIT) John told his first century readers that those who believe Jesus is the Son of God will be resurrected to eternal life and those who don’t will be resurrected to eternal damnation.

B. (INT) How did John tell his first century readers that Jesus would resurrect them to eternal life if they believed he was the Son of God?

C. (ANS) John told his first century readers that Jesus would resurrect them to eternal life if they believed he was the Son of God (v 18) because he had been given:

1. God's Authority -
A. to Heal vv 16-17
B. to Know. vv 19-20
C. to Judge vv 22, 27 & 30

2. God's Power -
A. of Life. v 21
B. of Salvation. vv 23-26
C. of Resurrection. vv 28-29

II. Readers Today

A. A. (CIT) John tells us today that those who believe Jesus is the Son of God will be resurrected to eternal life and those who don’t will be resurrected to eternal damnation.

B. (INT) How does John tell us today that Jesus will resurrect us to eternal life if we believe he is the Son of God?

C. (ANS) John tells us today that Jesus will resurrect us to eternal life if we believe he is the Son of God (v 18) because he has:

1. God's Authority -
A. to Heal vv 16-17
B. to Know. vv 19-20
C. to Judge vv 22, 27 & 30

2. God's Power -
A. of Life. v 21
B. of Salvation. vv 23-26
C. of Resurrection. vv 28-29


Our Father, we thank You for Sending Your Son into the world.

Our Father, we thank You for giving Your Son the Authority to Heal, Know & Judge.

Our Father, we praise You for Loving Your Son.

Our Father, we thank You for giving Your Son the Power of Life, Salvation & Resurrection.

Our Father, we praise You for Honoring Your Son.

Our Father, we glorify You for who You are and what You have done!

We ask all of this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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