Saturday, December 12, 2009


TEXT: JOHN 1:19-34



When priests were sent to John the Baptist to ask him who he was he told them “I am not the Christ,” so they asked him if he was Elijah or the Prophet and he told them, “No.” When they finally asked him to give them an answer they could take back to the religious leaders in Jerusalem who had sent them, John said, “I am the voice of one calling out in the desert, “Make straight the way of the Lord,’ “ using the words of the prophet Isaiah. They then asked John if he wasn’t the Christ, Elijah or the Prophet why he was baptizing people. He told them while his baptism was with water there was someone else among them, who was coming after him, whom he wasn’t even worthy to untie his sandals. This all happened on the other side of the Jordan at Bethany.


The day after this, when John saw Jesus coming he called him the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and told the people this is who I was talking about when I said there was someone else among you whose sandals I was unworthy to untie. Even though I didn’t know who he was I have been baptizing with water so that he might be revealed. The one who sent me to baptize with water told me that the one on whom the Spirit comes down from heaven in the form of a dove and remains on is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. I have seen this happen and “I testify he is the Son of God.”


I. John told his first century readers who “the Christ” was.

II. How did John tell his first century readers who “the Christ” was?

III. John told his first century readers that “the Christ” was:

A. “Not” John the Baptist, the one who:
(1) Called out in the desert.
(2) Made straight the way of the Lord.
(3) Baptized with water.
(4) Was unworthy to untie his sandals.
(5) Revealed who “the Christ” was.

B. Jesus, the one who:
(1) Was the Lamb of God.
(2) Takes away the sin of the world.
(3) The Spirit came down from heaven on.
(4) Baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
(5) Was the Son of God!

IV. John tells us today who “the Christ” is.

V. How does John tell us today who “the Christ” is?

VI. John tells us today that “the Christ” is:

A. “Not” John the Baptist, the one who:
(1) Called out in the desert.
(2) Made straight the way of the Lord.
(3) Baptized with water.
(4) Was unworthy to untie his sandals.
(5) Revealed who “the Christ” was.

B. Jesus, the one who:
(1) Is the Lamb of God.
(2) Takes away the sin of the world.
(3) The Spirit came down from heaven on.
(4) Baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
(5) Is the Son of God!


Our Father, forgive the sins we commit each day that make us unworthy to be in Your presence without the mercy and forgiveness You show to a repentant and contrite heart.

Our Father, we thank You for Your Lamb that takes away the sin of the world and for Your baptism with water and the Holy Spirit.

Our Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit empower us to be a voice calling out in our barren world, to those who are spiritually thirsty.

Our Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit empower us to make straight the way of the Lord to those who are seeking Him and like John, help to reveal “the Christ” as the “Son of God” to others through our witness and testimony.

Our Father, we pray all of these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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