Monday, December 21, 2009


TEXT: JOHN 1:35-51

PARAPHRASE – John 1:35-51


The next day when John the Baptist, along with two of his disciples saw Jesus again, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When these disciples of John began following Jesus he asked them what they wanted, they asked him where he was staying and he told them to come and see. After following and spending the day with him, the first thing one of them (Andrew) did was to find his brother Simon to tell him they had found the Messiah after which he brought him to Jesus. Looking at him, Jesus told Simon his new name was Peter.

Going to Galilee the next day, Jesus found Philip and told him to follow him after which Philip went to find his brother Nathaniel telling him they had found Jesus of Nazareth - the one Moses and the prophets had written about as the coming Messiah. When Nathaniel discounted what his brother told him because where Jesus came from was considered a despicable place, Philip told him to come and see for himself. As Nathaniel approached and Jesus called him a true Israelite - a man of integrity, Nathaniel asked Jesus how he knew this about him to which Jesus said he had seen where he was sitting under a fig tree studying the Law when his brother Philip had come to get him. Amazed at Jesus’ knowledge of this, Nathaniel confessed Jesus as the Son of God, the King of Israel at which point Jesus told Nathaniel that if he believed he was the Messiah because of this, as a man of greater integrity than Jacob, he would be witness to much greater things to come such as seeing Jacob's dream come alive with heaven opening and God’s angels ascending and descending on the him - the Son of Man.

PRINCIPLES – John 1:35-51

I. John told his first century readers that disciples began following Jesus.

II. What did John tell his first century readers why disciples began following Jesus?

III. John told his first century readers that disciples began following Jesus because of:

A. Jesus’ Testimony
1.. Jesus said “Come and See.” v. 39
2. Jesus said “Follow Me.” v. 43
3. Jesus said to Nathaniel he had seen him under the fig tree. v. 48
4. Jesus said the angels of God would ascend and descend on him. v. 50

B. Other’s Testimony
1. John the Baptist said he was the Lamb of God. v. 36
2. Andrew said he was the Messiah. v. 41
3. Philip said he was the one Moses wrote about. v. 45
4. Nathaniel said he was the Son of God. v. 49

IV. John tells us today that disciples begin following Jesus.

V. What does John tell us today why disciples begin following Jesus?

VI. John tells us today that disciples begin following Jesus because of:

A. Jesus’ Testimony
1.. Jesus tells us “Come and See.” v. 39
2. Jesus tells us “Follow Me.” v. 43
3. Jesus tells us he has seen us. v. 48
4. Jesus tells us the angels of God will ascend and descend on him. v. 50

B. Other’s Testimony
1. John the Baptist tells us he is the Lamb of God. v. 36
2. Andrew tells us he is the Messiah. v. 41
3. Philip tells us he is the one Moses wrote about. v. 45
4. Nathaniel tells us he is the Son of God. v. 49


Our Father, we praise You for Your Lamb.
Our Father, we praise You that Your angels glorify Him.
Our Father, we praise You for Andrew's, Philip's, Nathaniel's & the Baptist's confessions.

Our Father, we thank You that Your Son sees us.
Our Father, we ask when Your Son calls “Come & See” & “Follow Me” we do.
Our Father, we ask as Your Son’s disciples we confess Him as Messiah to others.

Our Father, we pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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